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A place to feel
A parallel universe in Alfajar


Space for talent and discovery

We value art and crafts in their different media and formats. For this reason, we exclusively dedicate the space of the Alfajar Hall to show different talents and exhibitions each year, creating a bond with artists and visitors, placing value on the new discoveries that they can make reciprocally.


“Miscellany”, José Manuel Molina

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“What is necessary”, Cayetano Romero.

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“Boreal”, new exhibition by Alfajar

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“Hands, tools of the soul”, Roque Martínez

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“What bounds us to the earth”, Patricia Pittet

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Picasso in memory

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“What comes to mind”, Oliver Schneider

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“Like rain water” by Antonio San Martín

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Chromatic Chords by Sabina Huber

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“Bahía toro”, the newest by Alfajar

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Karina Zothner

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Ana Posada

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Ana Posada



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Encarnación Hernández

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Exposición Encarnación Hernández: Vuelvo a Málaga

Olga Gorbunova

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Acuarela Olga Gorbunova

Alfonso Rot

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Exposición Alfonso Rot

Oliver H

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Exposición Oliver H: Flashback


Alfajar: Juxta Litus

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Alfajar: Juxta Litus

Oliver H

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Exposición Oliver H: Flashback

Mónica Rivas Lee

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Exposición Mónica Rivas Lee: Introverso


Seon-hee Chough

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Seon hee CHOUGH

Charo Carrera

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Charo Carrera

Macarena Pozo

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Macarena Pozo

Carlos Tellechea

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Carlos Tellechea Retrospectiva


Alfajar: Lume

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Alfajar Lume

José Villanueva

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José Villanueva

Sandra Art Ceramik

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Sandra Art-Ceramik

Carlos Tellechea

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Carlos Tellechea Retrospectiva

Samia Achour

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Samia Achour

Estanislao Lanza

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Antonio Yesa

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Antonio Yesa

Rafaela Pareja

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Rafaela Pareja

Francisco Buenavida

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Francisco Buenavida

Mercedes Lirola Ortega

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Mercedes Lirola


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