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Carlos Tellechea


Carlos Tellechea: Retrospective
August 2 – September 17, 2019

Carlos Tellechea: Retrospective

This exhibition shows pieces that are sculptural objects in small format that I have made in the last 15 years since I have been in Soller.

Many of these works intertwine with a request made years ago by Steven Appleby, proposing that I make pieces based on his comics, humorous vignettes that deal with the couple relationship, existential questions of the man-woman relationship… In this way, Appleby’s characters walk through many of the works and with them a humorous look at art itself.

Of these “applebyan” works, I highlight the “Locks of love”, the seesaws and four sculptures begun more than ten years ago and finished for this exhibition.

Anyway, I hope you like this free and creative part of my work in the workshop or at least make you smile.


He started out as an urban craftsman in Rosario (Argentina) in the early 1980s.

Since 1990 he has lived in Spain, in Madrid, and then in Segovia, always participating in Fairs, Exhibitions, etc. In those years he obtained the Castilla y León Crafts PRIZE.

Since 2001 he has been based in Soller, Mallorca, and has carried out the ArteArtesanía Project, a space in which his works of Contemporary Crafts and Contemporary Art are exhibited from an independent perspective, betting on the creativity and natural honesty that the trade grants and, on the other hand, highlighting the Plastic/Creative expression that good craftsmanship always possesses.

Carlos Tellechea Retrospectiva
Carlos Tellechea Retrospectiva
Carlos Tellechea Retrospectiva
Carlos Tellechea Retrospectiva
Carlos Tellechea Retrospectiva
Carlos Tellechea Retrospectiva
Carlos Tellechea Retrospectiva
Carlos Tellechea Retrospectiva

Visit us:

1 Císter Street, door 2.
29015 Malaga.
In front of the gardens of the Cathedral of Malaga.

+34 952 211 272


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