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Macarena Pozo
No pain


Macarena Pozo: No pain
October 30 – December 1, 2020

Macarena Pozo presents her exhibition No Pain, a project in tune with the events resulting from the global pandemic.

This series of mezzotints are part of a project called “NO PAIN”.

The technique, with which deep and varied tones are achieved, helps me to express the unease I feel when I see the passivity, the lack of empathy, the lack of reaction of the human being in the face of the catastrophic events that surround us. Starting from the white of the paper and going through a wide range of grays until reaching the deepest velvety black, I seek to reflect our ability to look away and turn the page.

Nothing alters the state of stillness that has turned us into a meekness deprived of feelings. Nothing can move us. Not even terrible.

My characters don’t suffer when subjected to pain.

They don’t bleed.

They don’t feel.

They just are. Like us.

Macarena Pozo

Macarena Pozo
Macarena Pozo
Macarena Pozo

Visit us:

1 Císter Street, door 2.
29015 Malaga.
In front of the gardens of the Cathedral of Malaga.

+34 952 211 272


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