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Mercedes Lirola Ortega
Let life flow


Let life flow
July 6 – September 18, 2018

Mercedes Lirola Ortega was born in Granada in 1964, where she currently resides. She began her training as a ceramist at the Granada School of Art obtaining the Title of Superior Technician of Plastic Arts and Design in Artistic Ceramics.

Her interest in expanding knowledge and forms of artistic expression has been a constant in her work, attending various workshops and courses by renowned potters.

The technique used in her work is based on modeling by hand, pinching, plates, molds… She works with refractory clay and mainly porcelain. White is always present in her work, it is pure, clean, serene, elegant, forceful ……. She thus creates pieces with a unique and unrepeatable character, with a very personal work in constant evolution

She has had numerous individual exhibitions in Córdoba, Málaga, Sevilla, Almería, Granada, Jaén, Cádiz, Madrid, Lithuania,…. She had also participated in multiple collective exhibitions.

In the same way that the Universe is constantly changing and evolving, the existence of the human being flows to teach us to live in the moment as if there were no future.

“Let life flow” are pieces that remind us of Heraclitus’ metaphor of the river, with a very watery poetic attempt to reflect on the passage of time, the traces of the dance of our existence, its insignificance and its greatness.

More information:

Mercedes Lirola Ortega


Mercedes Lirola
Mercedes Lirola
Mercedes Lirola
Mercedes Lirola

Visit us:

1 Císter Street, door 2.
29015 Malaga.
In front of the gardens of the Cathedral of Malaga.

+34 952 211 272


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