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Alfajar Hall
Mónica Rivas Lee: Introverse


Mónica Rivas Lee: Introverso
November 26, 2021 – January, 17 2022

We present the exhibition by Mónica Rivas Lee: Introverse.

An exercise in poetic introspection that starts from the observation of nature, in some of its most ephemeral and light forms. Later in the workshop, she ritualizes its consolidation over time through clay wraps and fragility.

The project has part of a “secret garden”, in an attempt to transgress the natural time of organic matter (leaves, branches…) transforming it into ceramics. A process that becomes a farewell ceremony, and from which some pieces emerge that preserve the presence of the living, sometimes badly wounded.

At the same time that I observe the natural form, I also experiment with the non-existent form. With the liquid clay about to be poured I try to recreate emerged landscapes. Unknown cosmos arise from the expansion of the clay, which adapts and molds itself to a linear obstacle, dragged by gravitational, surprising whims, beyond all control.

In both cases, the processes developed are based on the observation of the behavior of the materials. The obtained forms do not seek beauty, their capacity for attraction lies in the honesty of the material, which reacts to its free will. The pieces are the consequence of an investigation that promotes and allows deformations, fractures and cracks.

Meanwhile, photography contributes to other points of view, other observations also related to nature, with clay, reflection and poetics; contributing movement and sequence at times, reinforcing the discourse of stillness at others.

Exposición Mónica Rivas Lee: Introverso
Exposición Mónica Rivas Lee: Introverso
Exposición Mónica Rivas Lee: Introverso

Visit us:

1 Císter Street, door 2.
29015 Malaga.
In front of the gardens of the Cathedral of Malaga.

+34 952 211 272


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