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Commissioned Work
Custom Ceramic

We offer you

Give shape to your ideas

In Alfajar we want to find creative solutions for all those orders that need personalized treatment. Therefore, in addition to our daily production line, we also carry out commissioned work with a more special character and adjusted to the needs of the client. We create pieces for various types of events:

  • Weddings
  • Retirements
  • Gifts for congresses
  • Courses
  • Conferences
  • Awards
  • Others

Explain your idea to us, we will be happy to help you and guide you on the possibilities in ceramics.

ceramica personalizada

Custom ceramics:

You can customize a wide variety of stoneware and majolica pieces. The stoneware works have a unique surface treatment, made by hand with iron, manganese, cobalt oxides and ash glazes, combining wax reserve and sgraffito techniques. It is fired in a single firing at 1250º C in an oxidizing atmosphere.

The majolica pieces fired at 1050º C are decorated with ceramic pigments and glazed with transparent enamels at 980º C. This line allows us to have a vibrant color range.

Each piece is different in its treatment in terms of the use of color and the expressiveness of lines and stains, which makes it even more unique and special.

tell us your idea


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