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Rogelio Enríquez


Rogelio Enríquez: Obsolescent
March 25 – May 9, 2022

“Of those industries… these landscapes”

After the abandonment of antiquated industrial structures, spaces charged with symbolism remain. Rotund and strong on the one hand, they are inexorably deteriorated with the passage of time and lack of maintenance, thus showing their most fragile and defenseless part, and that will end up being engulfed and absorbed by the environment to which they once submitted.

These spaces and structures move and inspire me in a special way, becoming one of my main expressive resources to this day.

Rogelio Enriquez.

Exposición Rogelio Enríquez
Exposición Rogelio Enríquez
Exposición Rogelio Enríquez
Exposición Alfonso Rot

Visit us:

1 Císter Street, door 2.
29015 Malaga.
In front of the gardens of the Cathedral of Malaga.

+34 952 211 272


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