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Alfajar Hall
Lola Guerrero


Lola Guerrero: Fragilities
August 7 – September 8, 2020

Lola Guerrero:

I choose this title given the fragility that the works give off, visualized from the choice of material and the creation of its forms, delicate, suggestive, volatile, … As a common thread of this personal language, which speaks to us of fragility, within outlining accumulation in the time, remembering in it the idea of ​​traveling to the past, creating my own rite of passage. A sense of return to the origin in terms of empathy’s memories towards a material, through a pictorial-plastic language, reflecting the poetics of nature itself.

José Ángel Ruiz, Curator of the exhibition:

The work of art created from sincerity always contains a personal vision of the moment of humanity in which it was generated. Lola Guerrero’s pottery conveys fragility, perhaps as a metaphor for the very fragility of the human condition that has never been revealed as it has been until now. The subtlety and volatility of the sheets that make up her work attract us while obsessively reminding us of our own vulnerability.

Lola Guerrero
Lola Guerrero

Visit us:

1 Císter Street, door 2.
29015 Malaga.
In front of the gardens of the Cathedral of Malaga.

+34 952 211 272


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