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Alfajar Hall
Anima Roos


Anima Roos
June 14 – July 28, 2019

Anima Roos works with ceramic vessels that are familiar everyday objects. By placing them in a new context, stripping them of their functionality and adding strange elements (in texture, color and shape), a dualistic feeling arises within the viewer: recognition – alienation. By changing the evidence of form, the viewer can give a new interpretation, using the associations that the object evokes. (From nature, other cultures, memories…). The interaction between the intervened object and what others see in it is rarely a contradiction, generally an enrichment. During creation, the play between light and darkness, movement and rest…

Playing with traditional forms and real techniques, I am looking for a balance. The viewer adds a concrete story. Lines, shapes and ideas, preferably in motion… Everything is still a tightrope.

Jugando con formas tradicionales y técnicas reales, estoy buscando un equilibrio. El espectador  le añade una historia concreta. Lineas, formas e ideas, preferiblemente en movimiento … Todo sigue siendo una cuerda floja.



Anima Roos
Anima Roos

Visit us:

1 Císter Street, door 2.
29015 Malaga.
In front of the gardens of the Cathedral of Malaga.

+34 952 211 272


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